Fingerprint Detection by Metal Organic Framework (MOF) Resulted from Eu2(bdc)3 or Tb2(bdc)3
GAO Wudi1, GAO Feng2, XUE Jing3, WANG Zizheng3, MA Rongliang3,*
1. School of Criminal Science and Technology, People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing 100038, China
2. Institute of Forensic Science, Ministry of Public Security, Beijing 100038, China
3. The Maritime Police Academy, Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Ningbo 315801, Zhejiang, China
Objective To explore the effect of metal organic framework (MOF) resulted from Eu2(bdc)3 or Tb2(bdc)3 on detecting the eccrine/sebaceous fingerprint on various objects.Methods Two immediate-mixing solutions (europium/terbium chloride solution mixed with disodium terephthalate solution) were to bring about the formation of MOF precursor molecules that were at once dropped onto the fingerprint-deposited surface, causing the creation of mature MOF molecules when the fingerprint-contained proteins were coupled with MOF precursors. The fluorescence-emitting MOF molecules finally make the fingerprint detected under UV light.Results The experimental results show that clear and coherent ridges are observed on a variety of both non-porous and semi-porous surfaces at the disposal of MOF from Eu2(bdc)3/Tb2(bdc)3, yet none on the porous surfaces.Conclusions MOF, here resulted from Eu2(bdc)3/Tb2(bdc)3, is an effective reagent for detection of eccrine/sebaceous fingerprints on non-porous and semi-porous surfaces.
Key words:
metal organic framework (MOF); Eu2(bdc)3; Tb2(bdc)3; eccrine/sebaceous fingerprint; non-porous; semi-porous and porous surface; fingerprint development
图1 短波紫外光下包装盒上含油手印用Eu2(bdc)3(a)和Tb2(bdc)3(b)显现效果(左:原始图像; 右:PS软件处理后的图像)Fig.1 Fingerprints developed on packing box with MOF from Eu2(bdc)3 (a) and Tb2(bdc)3(b) under UV light. (Left: original image, Right: processed one by Photoshop)
图2 短波紫外光下含油手印用Eu2(bdc)3(a、c、e、g)和Tb2(bdc)3(b、d、f、h)显现效果(a、b:载玻片, c、d:瓷砖, e、f:菜刀, g、h:锡箔纸; 其中bcdegh左侧为原始图像, 右侧为PS软件处理后的图像)Fig.2 Fingerprints developed with MOF from Eu2(bdc)3 (a, c, e, g) and Tb2(bdc)3 (b, d, f, h)under UV light. (a, b: microslide; c, d: tile; e, f: kitchen knife; g, h: silver paper. For b, c, d, e, g, h, Left: original image, Right: processed one by Photoshop)
图3 短波紫外光下白色塑料袋上含油手印用Eu2(bdc)3(a)和Tb2(bdc)3(b)显现效果(a图中左为原始图像, 右为PS软件处理后的图像)Fig.3 Fingerprints developed on white plastic bag with MOF from Eu2(bdc)3 (a) and Tb2(bdc)3 (b) under UV light. (Left: original image, Right: processed one by Photoshop)
图4 短波紫外光下黑色垃圾袋上含油手印用Eu2(bdc)3(a)和Eu2(bdc)3(b)显现效果(左:原始图像, 右:PS软件处理后的图像)Fig.4 Fingerprints developed on black garbage bag with MOF from Eu2(bdc)3 (a) and Tb2(bdc)3 (b) under UV light. (Left: original image, Right: processed one by Photoshop)
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... Metal organic frameworks(MOF)这一概念最早于1995年在Nature杂志上提出[1],中文释义为金属有机框架化合物或金属有机骨架材料,是由无机金属中心与有机官能团通过络合作用,共同构筑的具有规则孔道或者孔穴结构的晶态多孔材料 ...